In order for a fund family to receive patronage from the NBE they will need to perform the following steps.
1/ Establish a user name and password on the New Business Ecosystem website.
2/ Fill out NBE Money Manager Membership form found in the Membership Access Section of this website
3/ Meet NBE Qualifications for benefits. This can be done in one of two ways;
A/ Make change to ADV statement (if applicable) to reflect the addition of an NBE participating broker dealer, transfer at least $500.00 million in assets to that same NBE participating broker dealer, and or route orders when feasible to the NBE participating broker dealers trading desks.
B/ The participating fund family has one or more of their existing broker dealers that are servicing their accounts to participate in the NBE. (See NBE Membership Requirement )
4/ The fund family will then need to fill out a Manager Qualification Form which can be found in the Money Manager Access section of this web site.
5/ Once NBE the administrative staff verifies a fund family’s participation qualifications and or receives a Money Manager Voucher Form filled out by a NBE participating broker dealer that same fund family will then be displayed on the roster along with all the other NBE participating fund families. At that point NBE participating reps can receive credit towards the new business rotation when they maintain minimum assets with the newly NBE qualified fund family.